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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 1-346

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A General Integral Representation Result for Continuum Limits of Discrete Energies with Superlinear Growth

Roberto Alicandro and Marco Cicalese

pp. 1-37

Traveling Wave Solutions of Fourth Order PDEs for Image Processing

J. B. Greer and A. L. Bertozzi

pp. 38-68

The Subcritical Motion of a Semisubmerged Body: Solvability of the Free Boundary Problem

Carlo D. Pagani and Dario Pierotti

pp. 69-93

Supremal Multiscale Signal Analysis

Ulisses Braga-Neto and John Goutsias

pp. 94-120

Regularity for the Vlasov--Poisson System in a Convex Domain

Hyung Ju Hwang

pp. 121-171

Uniqueness of Limit Solutions to a Free Boundary Problem from Combustion

J. Fernández Bonder and N. Wolanski

pp. 172-185

Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of Viscosity Solutions for Nonconvex Hamiltonians

Giovanni Pisante

pp. 186-203

On Squirt Singularities in Hydrodynamics

Diego Córdoba, Charles Fefferman, and Rafael de la Llave

pp. 204-213

A Kinetic Formulation for Multidimensional Scalar Conservation Laws with Boundary Conditions and Applications

C. Imbert and J. Vovelle

pp. 214-232

Normal Form of Reversible Systems and Persistence of Lower Dimensional Tori under Weaker Nonresonance Conditions

Junxiang Xu

pp. 233-255

A Well-Posed Free Boundary Value Problem for a Hyperbolic Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions

John V. Matthews and David G. Schaeffer

pp. 256-271

On the Structure of Solutions to the Periodic Hunter--Saxton Equation

Zhaoyang Yin

pp. 272-283

Scattered-Data Interpolation on $\bb R^\protectn$: Error Estimates for Radial Basis and Band-Limited Functions

Francis J. Narcowich and Joseph D. Ward

pp. 284-300

Analysis of a Multidimensional Parabolic Population Model with Strong Cross-Diffusion

Li Chen and Ansgar Jüngel

pp. 301-322

Asymptotic Normality of Scaling Functions

Louis H. Y. Chen, Tim N. T. Goodman, and S. L. Lee

pp. 323-346